Media Coverage

विभिन्न सञ्चारगृहहरुबाट प्रकाशित मानवसेवा आश्रम सम्बन्धि समाचारहरुलाई यहाँ लिंक गराइएको छ।

पाचौँ दिनको मध्यान्ह् सम्म २ करोड १४ लाख ४५ हजार २ सय ५६ रुपैया आर्थिक सहयोग

By Others - 2080-10-17
मेची–महाकाली राष्ट्रिय उद्धार यात्राः तीन दिनमा कोशीप्रदेशभित्र ३३ जना व्यक्तिको उद्धार
मानवसेवा आश्रमको मेची-महाकाली उद्धार यात्रा,१ सय ४० सडक मानवको उद्धार
सेवा आश्रममा युवा स्वयंसेवी
Old lady found abandoned in Tinkune dies
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Manavseva Ashram enters to the 10th year

Manavseva Ashram enters 10th year, rescues nearly 6,000 street people

Accommodation of 1600 in Manavsewa Ashram

घर जहाँ सडक छ

Manavseva Ashram in its 10th year, about 6000 street people rescued:

Ask him what is hunger?

The rescue of Jageshwar Thakur, who was chained for four years

Mechi Mahakali Yatra: Province 1 will be declared road free by the middle of Baisakh

If not supported...

Peace of mind and self-satisfaction are the biggest things.

A human service ashram was created

3 crore 26 lakhs collected in Maha Yagya of Manav Seva Ashram

Showing 1 to 18 of 190 Entries