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विभिन्न सञ्चारगृहहरुबाट प्रकाशित मानवसेवा आश्रम सम्बन्धि समाचारहरुलाई यहाँ लिंक गराइएको छ।

मेची-काली अभियानले फेरियो चन्द्रकलाको जीवन

"People who chased dogs and threw dirty water on us while proposing for establishment of an Ashram , now come with donations and charity."’
'Manav Seva Ashram' born from a question
Who chose the path of human service at an early age
The youth group of the ashram is supporting the orphans who have been picking garbage from the streets for years
Sanchita-Creation of an unhindered journey of human service
The story of the activists who made the country free of people
Muna enjoying human service
"Mother of the destitute" rejoicing in human service
Showing 1 to 10 of 20 Entries