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विभिन्न सञ्चारगृहहरुबाट प्रकाशित मानवसेवा आश्रम सम्बन्धि समाचारहरुलाई यहाँ लिंक गराइएको छ।

एक प्रश्नले जन्माएको ‘मानव सेवा आश्रम’

My Relationship with Manavsewa Ashram: An Experience - Principal Secretary, Bagmati Province
Illusion shattered after reaching Manav Sewa Ashram.
The story of a brave young man whose life on the sidewalk makes him regret being human
The changed life of 92-year-old Kanchi Tamang who spent 13 years in Kaal Bhairab
Journey of making Nepal free of street dependent people (for shelter)....
A psychotic mother, abandoned by the entire family
Lallu from Satna, India, who returned home with his son whom he payed last rites to assuming his death.
Mira who went abroad in search of opportunity
Showing 1 to 10 of 20 Entries